I'm Laura Ipsum, an all-around web afficiando with tons of experience working on awesome projects for super-cool companies.
I love technology, work hard, and never stop learning.
Currently, my specialties are HTML, CSS, and Javascript.
Tweet me @lauraipsum.
Lead a team of four front-end developers building high-quality web widgets for customers of all stripes. Interfaced with UX Designers and Digital Marketers on a daily basis.
Built web widgets using HTML, CSS and AngularJS. Occasionally dabbled in other nifty JavaScript frameworks and platforms like Backbone, Ember, React, and Meteor.
Built bespoke WordPress themes for a wide variety of clients including non-profit organizations, small and medium-sized businesses, and multi-national corporations.
Build a solid foundation of HTML5 and CSS3 responsive web design skills. Also took my JavaScript skills to the next level by learning AngularJS, a popular front-end framework. and converted HTML-based sites into WordPress themes while learning other WP essentials such as custom posts types, fileds, and taxonomies.